Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer says even the Police Superintendent weighs in on the DUI charged cop's benefit

This Chicago DUI lawyer has posted here and here about the benefit for accused Detective Joseph Frugoli. Now comes news that even the Police Superintendent thinks the fund-raiser at the Fraternal Order of Police Hall was in bad taste.

A Friday fund-raiser at a Fraternal Order of Police hall for Joseph Frugoli -- a Chicago Police detective accused of killing two people in an alleged DUI crash in April -- drew criticism from Police Supt. Jody Weis.

"I understand people have friends, and if friends want to help somebody out that's fine, [but] that can be done more face-to-face," Weis said after a community meeting in the 20th Ward on Saturday.

"I do think the optics on that were bad, that is, being hosted by the FOP," he said.

Well it looks like my husband was right about the criticism Police Supt. Jody Weis would take for his statements.

From the Comments Section of the Chicago Sun TImes:

blue&white wrote:
....and I forgot to add, Jody is an idiot and to not understand this proves how clueless he is and perfect example as to why he will never have the respect or approval of the police.
10/25/2009 11:35 AM CDT on
blue&white wrote:
I understand that the citizens are upset about this, but I don't think they understand what a police benefit is. We have these to help out our friends/co-workers in their biggest time of need. It could be outrageous medical bills due to illness which are highly supported. Then we also have those that are to help with costs related to criminal charges or suspensions. We are not a judge or jury. By going to these in no way are the officers saying they believe the individual to be innocent of charges or correct in their actions. It is seeing someone who has worked with you for years and most likely done the right thing 95% of the time in their lives suffering and needing help, because maybe they made one bad decision that ended up being so serious and possibly harmful to others that their entire life as they know it is ruined.
10/25/2009 8:34 AM CDT on
sneezer wrote:
Jody Weis is a bonified idiot
10/25/2009 7:04 AM CDT on
A far more compassionate take on an accused drunk driver than you will find from the staff of the Secretary of State.

From my Twitter Account:

Hard-hitting comments from the Secretary of State's Admin. Lawyer. Hint: They don't think the MDDP is expensive for someone who drinks :D


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