Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer: No Way to a Norway DUI

I posted here on the high economic price of a DUI arrest, but here in the U.S.A. we have nothing on Norway.

A rich Norwegian has been ordered to pay a 700,000 kroner ($109,000) fine after driving his car 400 yards (meters) while drunk.

Police stopped the 49-year-old man in October near the airport for southern Norway’s Kristiansand.

Tests showed he had a blood alcohol content of .188 percent. Norway’s maximum is .02 percent.

Yes, you did read that correctly, 700,000 kroner is the equivalent of $109,000 USD.  Additionally, did you noice how low Norway's maximum B.A.C. is?  Unfortunately, there is research that suggests even with these high fines and very low B.A.C.'s, there is a very high rate of recidivism for DUI arrests in Sweden (they have a similar very low B.A.C. as does Norway).

Now about that Zero tolerance to alcohol and driving policy, did you think I was kidding?

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