Mr. Torres made all of us question ourselves. "Would I have stopped if I hit him? Would I have run after the driver and gotten his license plate number? Oh my goodness, there were two separate cars that hit Mr. Torres and neither stopped! What about the people in the video watching it happen? Why isn't anyone slowing down? Where are the police? Where is the ambulance? What should I do?"
Today, Mr. Torres is no longer here. His last thought on that fateful day may well have been "Please God, will someone help me?
The authorities still don't know who hit Mr. Torres, neither the first nor the second time. Please drive safely, have a valid drivers license, and keep your insurance current. If you cause or see an accident where aid to another human should be rendered, make your mother proud and be the good Samaritan.
Sad to hear about what happen to Angel Arce Torres. Condolence to the family he left.