Monday, April 12, 2010

Chicago DUI lawyer comments on the undue influence of DUI court watchers

This Chicago DUI lawyer has mentioned the over-reaching influence of MADD and its offshoots like the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM), here, here, and here. Still, I was shocked by what I saw today.

As I checked in with the clerk I watched another gentleman pass his card to the clerk to in turn give to the judge. The Judge was sitting on the bench and court was in session. I did a double-take because I thought I recognized the gentleman who just gave his card to the clerk so that she, in turn, could give it to the judge. Yes, my mouth dropped but I knew the clerk and so I asked her if the gentleman she took the card from was the Bar Attorney. She looked at me and slowly shook her head no. I then asked her wasn’t he one of the court watchers from AAIM? She shook her head yes.

So there you have it, the justice system is being tainted by the undue influence of AAIM’s court watchers. How on earth is a judge going to be fair and impartial to the accused when the court watchers want to put the judge on notice that they are in the courtroom?


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