Monday, March 29, 2010

Chicago DUI lawyer comments on Chicago Cops' reluctance to keep the cameras rolling

This Chicago DUI lawyer has posted here and here about the need for video to be installed in police cars. Yes, it is a boon to defense lawyers, but it should also protect law enforcement. Unfortunately, I’m not surprised that some officers don’t want to abide by the rules and keep the camera running.

March 29, Chicago, IL

In the 1960s, Chicago cops initially griped about having to wear radios on their belts.
In the last decade, some fretted about having to communicate for the first time through laptop computers in their cars.

Now some officers have been resisting the latest police technology: video cameras installed in 340 vehicles.

"For an organization of this size, this is a fundamental change, and it will take a while to be accepted," said Jonathan Lewin, commander of the Information Technology Section.

Privately, some cops told the Chicago Sun-Times they were ignoring the rule to turn on camera systems because they're worried their words and actions will come back to haunt them. They explained they sometimes must use harsh language to establish control over people they stop.
As a taxpayer, I’m not particularly worried about words coming back to haunt a police officer, assuming the words are profane and not a threat or a lie, but I wonder what actions they are concerned would come back to haunt them?


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