Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chicago DUI attorney is puzzled by the rational relation between a DUI and your 2nd Amendment rights

This Chicago DUI attorney has posted on a myriad of consequences that go along with a DUI here, here, and here.  Just when you thought it was safe to have a gun in the City there’s a new consequence of a DUI that encroaches on the 2nd Amendment rights that we thought were resolved in McDonald v. City of Chicago.

Mayor Daley today denied that he’s making Chicago gun owners jump through hoops to exercise their Second Amendment rights and expressed confidence the city’s new gun law can withstand a court challenge.
“We’re not jumping through hoops. We have to have accountability. ... This is protection of the city from lawsuits from a lot of people,” the mayor said.
“You have to ask for reasonable gun laws. Until the federal government seizes more illegal guns, that is the issue.”
The new ordinance requires Chicagoans to register their weapons, but only after obtaining firearms safety training comprised of at least four hours in the classroom and one hour on a firing range.
The Chicago Firearms Permit would cost $100 and have to be renewed every three years.
Chicagoans would be prohibited from obtaining permits if they are: under 18; over 18 but under 21 without parent’s permission; been convicted of a violent crime, domestic violence, two or more drug or drunk driving offenses; lack vision sufficient for a driver’s license or lack a valid Firearm Owners Identification Card.
Can you tell me what on earth a DUI has to do with having a hand gun in your home (remember the current law does not permit you to carry a gun in your car or on your person)?

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