Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chicago DUI attorney explains the good, the bad, and the ugly of a DUI sentencing order

This Chicago DUI attorney has posted here and here about the need to follow the sentencing orders if you are found guilty or plead guilty to a DUI.  Looks like one celebrity didn’t manage to do that.

A Beverly Hills judge ruled Tuesday that Lindsay Lohan violated the terms of her probation in a drunk driving case when she failed to attend alcohol education classes and sentenced her to 90 days in jail.
Judge Marsha N. Revel stated several instances over the last few years in which the actress lied about taking drugs and drinking.
"It's like someone who cheats but doesn't think it's cheating if they don't get caught," Revel said.
[Updated at 3:47 p.m.: The judge said that Lohan had repeatedly deceived authorities following her first drunk driving arrest in 2007. She said Lohan lied by pretending she was not the driver in that case. Two months later Lohan was arrested for drunk driving.
"Once again she lied about her driving," Revel said.
The judge said Lohan again lied when a white substance was found in her pants and tried to say they were someone's else pants. Revel said she tested positive for cocaine after the arrest.
"She lied then and lied prior to that," Revel said.
In addition to 90 days in jail, the judge sentenced Lohan to 90 days in a drug rehab center.]
Before sentencing, a tearful Lohan addressed the court, saying "as far as I knew I was in compliance with my programs.”
If you have any questions about your sentence, you need to ask before you are sentenced.  If you have any difficulty with complying with your sentencing order you need to speak to your attorney.  Don’t wait until the violations stack up against you.  Just like LILO, in Illinois you agree that if you don’t comply with the terms of the sentencing agreement you can be re-sentenced and that re-sentencing can include jail.

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