Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer says doesn't the government have more important matters to spend 100k on in her hometown?

This Chicago DUI lawyer was surprised to read that her hometown was announcing a pretty big grant. The grant wasn't for local schools, unemployment benefits, environmental and conservation work, nor was it to give out free/reduced fee H1N1 vaccinations. It's to pay the salaries of two law enforcement officers dedicated to DUI patrols.

Orangeburg’s Department of Public Safety has received a grant that will pay for two officers to target drunk drivers. City Council accepted the grant during its meeting Tuesday.

The $149,848 Highway Safety Grant from the state Department of Public Safety will be used for two full-time officers, with salary and fringe benefits, plus two vehicles and equipment.

They will be used as an advanced DUI enforcement team. No local match funds are required.

I hope my family and friends back home are dismayed by this use of taxpayer dollars.

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