Monday, July 6, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer isn't surprised that the recession has decreased the number of DUI's

It looks like not having as much money at hand has the same effect on alcohol consumption as increasing taxes on alcohol. Earlier this year I posted on a novel approach to decreasing DUI's here. There was no fancy algorithim or new faulty, expensive, and intrusive technology installed in your car, nor was there a barrage of public shaming, or public service announcements. No money = No DUI's:

Finally, the recession is being blamed for something good. Local law enforcement and fire department officials say the Fourth of July weekend was relatively safe and quiet...and your empty wallet may be to blame.

"We were not busy with a whole lot of assaults, D.U.I. accidents...generally things you would expect on a holiday weekend," said officer Martin Donohue with the Grand Junction Police Department.

In 2008 the Fourth of July weekend brought 150 D.U.I. arrest in Colorado. This year in Mesa County there was only 1. "I was surprised actually. Usually the fourth of july is a very busy weekend for us," said Donohue.

This weekend in 2008 11 people died in traffic crashes on state roadways. So far in 2009 there have been no 4th of July reported traffic death in Mesa County.

According to Donohue you can thank the recession for your safety. "I think that the culmination of the economy...people don't have as much discretionary income to spend on whatever they like to do...whether it's alcohol or party time." He also believes people are finally paying attention. "Our D.U.I. saturation patrols. I think that people are really starting to get the message that if they do get a D.U.I. and they're convicted it's going to cost them a lot of money."

Well there you have it. All you need is a bad economy to decrease DUI's.

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