Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer warned about problems with Chicago ticketing via camera, now the Illinois tollway's problems surface

Now that the City of Chicago thinks it is a great idea to ticket with cameras for offenses, they had better talk to the Illinois tollway to make sure they are ticketing the right vehicle owner for the offense.  The problem with these tickets is in Illinois, they can cause your license to be suspended.

 Minnesota's Attorney General on Thursday called on Illinois officials to stop sending tickets to Minnesota drivers until they get their tollway violation system in order. 
Attorney General Lori Swanson said her office has received complaints from many motorists who received tickets, even though they weren't driving in Illinois at the time of the tollway violation. 

In some cases, the tollway system photographed license plates but then used outdated license information, ticketing the wrong people, Swanson said. 

Illinois Tollway spokeswoman Joelle McGinnis said officials were made aware of the problems in March and adjusted their policies. She said officials haven't heard about any additional complaints since then but will review the letter Swanson sent to Illinois officials.

Swanson said Illinois officials have offered a forum where citizens can file complaints, but she told them in the letter that that isn't good enough. 

"It is unfair for the tollway to place the burden on Minnesota citizens to correct the errors of a faulty system," she wrote. "Allowing a citizen to object to an improperly-issued ticket should not be a substitute for ensuring that tickets are properly issued to the correct owner in the first place." 

That's right the great state of Minnesota maybe underrepresented in the Senate but that does not mean they will let Illinois hang their citizens out to dry with unwarranted tickets.  Who do you think is going to go to bat for Chicago citizens who receive erroneous tickets once the cameras are in place? 

1 comment:

  1. Does this happen in Cali (where they have been ticketing for yrs) or in the District? If not, why doesn't Illi make the corrections based on those systems but until then..... Nobody gets a ticket! It wasn't me!


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