Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chicago DUI lawyer comments on Minister's .000 DUI Arrest

Well if ever there's a reason to refuse testing, here it is. I've posted here and here about things to consider before submitting to testing in an alleged DUI arrest.

Now here's a DUI arrest of a minister who took both field sobriety tests, which he failed, sumbitted to a breath test with the resutlts being .000, then submitted to urine testing.

Guess what, they didn't release him after he blew .000. He still has pending DUI charges.

Stapp told the Daily News he was coming home from working his church’s fireworks stand in the early morning hours of July 5 when he was pulled over by a Neosho police officer on Neosho Boulevard, near Stadium Drive.

On Tuesday, Stapp said the arresting officer told him he had been pulled over for crossing the center line for about half a block. The officer performed a field sobriety check on Stapp, which he failed.

The Neosho minister said the officer conducted a Breathalyzer test on him, which read all zeroes.

“At that time, I thought I would be released,” he said.
I guess he thought wrong. As I've said in the past, you can pass the field sobriety tests, the breath tests, and you will still be charged with a DUI. You will still need to have a lawyer represent you. All you need to decide when the police asks you to step out of the car is how much help you want to give the government in prosecuting you.


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